The Ultimate Essentials for Every Pool

Scott Lieberman
2 min readJun 21, 2023

Pools are a great addition to any home, providing a space to relax, exercise and entertain. With the right equipment, maintenance and accessories, your pool can be an oasis of fun and relaxation all year round. But what exactly should every pool have? Here are the ultimate essentials that every pool owner should consider.

Proper filtration system

The first and foremost essential for any pool is a proper filtration system. A good filtration system will keep your pool clean and clear by removing dirt, debris and contaminants from the water. There are several types of filtration systems available, including sand filters, cartridge filters and diatomaceous earth (DE) filters. Each has its own advantages and drawbacks, so choose the one that best suits your needs and budget.

Chemicals and testing kits

Maintaining the chemical balance of your pool is crucial for keeping it clean and safe for swimming. Chemicals like chlorine, pH balancers and algaecides help prevent bacteria growth and keep the water crystal clear. To ensure the levels of these chemicals are correct, you’ll need to regularly test your pool’s water using a testing kit. These kits are inexpensive and easy to use, allowing you to maintain a healthy environment for swimmers.

Pool maintenance tools

Regular cleaning is essential for keeping your pool in top condition. Some basic pool maintenance tools include a skimmer net for removing debris from the surface of the water, a pool vacuum for removing debris from the bottom, and a brush for scrubbing the walls and floor of the pool. For larger pools, you may also want to invest in an automatic pool cleaner or robotic vacuum to save time and effort.

Safety equipment

Pool safety should always be a top priority. Every pool should have a fence with a self-closing gate to prevent unsupervised access, especially for households with small children or pets. Additionally, consider investing in safety equipment such as pool alarms, life vests and safety ropes to help prevent accidents and provide peace of mind.

Pool covers

A good pool cover is essential for protecting your pool from debris, leaves and other outdoor elements. It also helps to retain heat, reducing the amount of energy required to maintain a comfortable water temperature. Pool covers come in different materials, sizes and shapes, so choose one that fits your pool and your budget.

Entertainment and accessories

Finally, every pool needs a few fun extras to make it a truly enjoyable space. Consider installing a water slide or diving board, or adding some floating lounges or inflatable toys for kids to enjoy. You may also want to invest in a pool heater or lighting system to extend your pool’s use into the evenings or cooler months.

In conclusion, maintaining a pool requires some effort and investment, but with the right essentials, it can be an enjoyable and rewarding part of your home. Remember to prioritize safety, maintenance and chemical balance, and don’t forget to add a little fun with some entertaining accessories. With these essentials, your pool will be ready for endless hours of relaxation, exercise and entertainment.



Scott Lieberman

Senior business analyst Scott Lieberman is also the company's president and owner. Preferred Pool Management Inc.